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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

A.Y. Jackson Lookout


Be sure to stop at the A.Y. Jackson Lookout. This gorgeous spot, overlooking the cascading Onaping Falls and Onaping River, is where one of the famous Group of Seven artists, A.Y. Jackson, was inspired to paint Spring on the Onaping River.

The story goes that artists A.Y. Jackson, Franklin Carmichael and A.J. Casson were so mesmerized by the scenic location that they not only petitioned for it to become a protected park.

Today, A.Y Jackson’s Lookout is a park that holds the legacy of the Group of Seven by providing a photography workshop on the A.Y Jackson trial and free artist kits. Kits people can pick in the visitor centre to paint and draw while looking at the scenery, just like the Group Seven members did at one point in the park.

Photos: https://www.facebook.com/kivipark; Google Street View, Branden Beauchamp

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