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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

Asinerie Les Ânes en Culotte


Just outside of Valcourt is the outdoor Asinerie Les Anes Culotte. Enjoy the outdoors by visiting donkeys in their living environment and playing some outdoor games. The place is a splendid way to get moving while also getting fresh air. You can enjoy a wonderful afternoon relaxing on the shaded patio with beautiful panoramic views. This unique site also has a soap shop and donkey milk cosmetics.

You ought to feel comfortable with the amenities of a guided tour and have the opportunity to interact with the friendly staff. The place is open during the summer months of June until mid-September. Don’t forget to visit the Asinerie Les Anes en Culotte to spend a unique and relaxing afternoon.

Photo: https://www.facebook.com/asinerielesanesenculotte/

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