Memorial Park Bandshell - Port Hope, Ontario, Canada
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member monkeys4ever
N 43° 56.988 W 078° 17.621
17T E 717162 N 4869858
A bandshell located in Memorial Park in Port Hope.
Waymark Code: WM8G29
Location: Ontario, Canada
Date Posted: 03/28/2010
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Marine Biologist
Views: 12

1940's bandshell in Memorial Park

During the summer months many free events are taking place at the bandshell in Port Hope's Memorial Park on Queen Street.

Check here if the structure has a roof (required for posting): yes

Check here if the structure is enclosed or mostly enclosed on three sides (required for posting): yes

Bandshell Webpage: [Web Link]

Visit Instructions:

When visiting a waymark, please take pictures that clearly show the bandshell. If you have pictures with yourself in the bandshell, that would be great too. Also, tell us a little about your visit. It's optional, but if you attended a performance here, tell us about it.
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TricoB visited Memorial Park Bandshell - Port Hope, Ontario, Canada 06/03/2019 TricoB visited it
mTn_biKer65 visited Memorial Park Bandshell - Port Hope, Ontario, Canada 09/06/2012 mTn_biKer65 visited it
jiggs11 visited Memorial Park Bandshell - Port Hope, Ontario, Canada 08/07/2012 jiggs11 visited it
Kenlaur visited Memorial Park Bandshell - Port Hope, Ontario, Canada 05/21/2012 Kenlaur visited it
Jake39 visited Memorial Park Bandshell - Port Hope, Ontario, Canada 08/03/2011 Jake39 visited it
monkeys4ever visited Memorial Park Bandshell - Port Hope, Ontario, Canada 03/27/2010 monkeys4ever visited it

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