The Bluebird Permaculture Farm is a farm committed to positively impacting the Maberly community and environment. With thoughtful permaculture design to advance the process of land regeneration, the Bluebird Permaculture Farm focuses on soil regeneration, carbon capture, and producing high-quality, nutrient-dense food.
Come by and support this local business and stock your pantry with great produce.
1 Response
I am the president of the Perth & District Horticultural Society and I am working on our 2025 Topic and Speaker program. I was given your name to see if you would be interested in speaking to our membership with respect to permaculture.
We meet at the Perth Lion’s Club in Perth on the second Tuesday as follows:
March 11
April 8
May 13
June 10 – Booked
September 9
October 14
We have a speaker fee of $100.00.
Please let me know if you are interested or would like to discuss further.
Linda Bartlett
Perth & District Horticultural Society