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Top 8 Places to Visit in
Boyle | Alberta

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Boyle | Alberta Classified
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February 26, 2024 |
1000 Towns of Canada:
Long Lake Provincial Park
Located 15 minutes South of the town center, spend an entire day for the whole family with endless activities. From swimming in the lake to hiking the trails and even geocaching, this small getaway is the perfect spot for all ages.
Photo: Google Maps, Carrie Fedun, Bandu Biyanwila
- Long Lake Provincial Park, Range Rd 191A, Ellscott, AB T0A 1B0
- 780-576-3959
- Information & Facilities - Long Lake Provincial Park | Alberta Parks
User Review
0 (0 votes)Long Lake Ski Hill
For skiers and snowboards of all ages! With fresh powder and freshly groomed areas, there is something for everyone, regardless of skill level, to enjoy. Being open every day during the winter season and with various activities happening throughout the week, this is the place to be.
If being on the hill isn’t your thing, enjoy an afternoon in the chalet. With fresh lunches and treats, you can kill time with a full belly.
Photo: Long Lake Ski Hill Facebook
- Long Lake Ski Hill, Long Lake Ski Area Long Lake Provincial Park, Boyle, AB T0A 3J0
- 780-576-2161
- Long Lake Ski Area (skilonglake.com)
User Review
3 (1 vote)Xcalibre Paintball Park
Established in 2006, enjoy this 60-acre outdoor park with various fields and rentals available. If you are new or an experienced player, this is the place to be during the summer/fall months.
Available for numerous events, from birthdays and bachelor parties to more extreme competitive tournaments hosted by the park. If paintball isn’t your bread and butter, they upped the ante and have introduced airsoft into the mix.
Photo: xcalibrepaintball.com
- 63116 SH 831, Boyle, Alberta
- 780-576-2211
- Xcalibre Paintball Park | Affordable Paintball in Alberta
User Review
0 (0 votes)Boyle Agricultural Grounds
Dust off those cowboy boots and enjoy the beautiful outdoors with some of Boyle’s finest this summer. From rodeo events, barrel racing, Gymkhana, and even opportunities to practice your existing skills (you must have a horse).
For families with young kids who want to get out into the ring, there is even a youth rodeo for 12-year-olds and younger.
Photo: https://www.facebook.com/BoyleAg
- Boyle Rodeo Arena, Boyle, Alberta
- 780-689-6568
- Boyle & District Ag Society - Alberta Association of Agricultural Societies (albertaagsocieties.ca)
User Review
0 (0 votes)The Keep Kafe
A unique local treat. The Keep Kafe is a locally owned food truck, unlike others in small towns. Focusing on feeding delicious, wholesome, homemade food for the community and area. This would be a must-stop for an affordable lunch and dinner for the entire family.
Photo: The Keep Kafe Facebook
- 4911 4 St S, Boyle, Alberta
- 780-689-7229
- https://keepkafe.square.site/
User Review
0 (0 votes)Boyle Fish Pond
A fisherman’s dream. Just 5 minutes south of Boyle, visitors can try to catch trout stocked before the May Long weekend. They can also expect to see wildlife of different sorts or just simply relax in the beautiful green areas with picnic tables and campfire sites.
Photo: Dao Jitpraphan Waddletone via Boyle Fish Pond Facebook
- Hwy 831, Boyle, AB
- no data
- no data
User Review
0 (0 votes)Northern Ridge Golf Course
Look no further for great summer fun! Northern Ridge is a 9-hole golf course just 15 minutes south of the town center. With its beautiful greens, friendly staff, and the licensed clubhouse for your beers afterward, this is the stop for locals and people looking to tick a local course off their bucket lists.
Photo: northernridgegolf.ca
- Hwy 831, Boyle, AB
- 780-576-3939
- NorthernRidgeGolf - Home