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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

Caledonia Bridge


One of Canada’s most notable and stunning bridges is the Caledonia Bridge. The structure is regarded as Ontario’s longest rainbow arch bridge.

Thanks to its unmatched number of spans, it might be the longest bridge of its kind in the entire country. Reinforced concrete is the primary structural material of the bridge. Compared to many other rainbow arch bridges in Ontario, this bridge’s spans are substantial and tower over a typical car. The Caledonia Bridge’s number of spans and overall length, in addition to their height, make it an equally stunning and graceful construction without comparison.

The bridge has good historic integrity because it hasn’t changed from its original design. It’s great for pictures and shows a breathtaking view of the surrounding area.

Photo: Michael McGregor, CC-BY-2.5

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