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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

Canada Day Weekend


Recommended by Dylan Gow


Every Canada Day weekend, the town of Lac du Bonnet hosts its biggest event of the year.

The Wonder Shows fair comes to town and the Lac du Bonnet Lions Club puts on an unforgettable firework display at the Town Dock. The firework show starts and dusk and is claimed to be Manitoba’s best fireworks display.

The weekend also includes a parade, mixed slo-pitch tournament, beer gardens, a pancake breakfast and more! Don’t miss out on Lac du Bonnet’s biggest weekend!

Photo: https://myldb.ca/ldb/lions-canada-day-weekend-celebrations/#

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4.5 (6 votes)

5 Responses

    1. Sorry for the mistake. We will fix it soon.
      Just in case, maybe you can share the photo of Canada Day in Lac Du Bonnet?

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