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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

Top 6 Places to Visit in

Cannington | Ontario

The page created by Amna Bibi | University of Saskatchewan | Photo by Vlad Umnov

Cannington | Ontario Classified

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Home Town of Novelist Timothy Findley

Timothy Irving Frederick Findley was a novelist and playwright. He wrote a memoir, From Stone Orchard, about his experiences living at a farm on the outskirts of Cannington.

He lived for over 30 years at his cottage, Stone Orchard, near Cannington, Ontario. But in the mid-1990s, he moved to Stratford, Ontario, and divided his time between there and France. He died in Provence in 2002.

Visit Timothy Findley Memorial Branch of the Brock Township Public Library.

Read more about Timothy Findley | People of Small Towns

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Cannington Haunted Trail

A beast lives deep in the woods of MacLeod Park. Every year, this ravenous, blood-sick creature rises from its yearly slumber to satisfy its hunger at Cannington Haunted Attraction. Only when it has gorged itself on the atmosphere of fear, the sound of screams, and the uncomfortable laughs of false bravado can it return to its slumber to wait for next October.

You have to see the evils that await you at Cannington Haunted Attraction to believe them.

Features include two outdoor wooded trails and an indoor barn maze, which are transformed into immersive horror-themed environments with live scare actors and some shocking surprises.

Photo: https://www.canningtonhaunt.com/

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There & Back Antiques and Vintage Finds

A little bit vintage, a little bit antique, a lot of cool stuff. Always seeking unique pieces for you!

Photo: Vlad Umnov

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Cannington Macleod Park

Cannington Macleod Park offers a variety of attractions, such as a skate park, nature trails, a picnic area, a playground, and a tennis court. Whether you love sports or want to go on a short walk, this park is perfect! It has activities for adults and children, so it’s the perfect stop for a family event.

The park also has a Cenotaph of a soldier, so remembrance activities are often held there.

Photos: Vlad Umnov  

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Cannington Picnic Shelter

If you want to organize a picnic with family or friends, don’t miss this place on the Beaver River.

Photo: Google Street View

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Salem Alpacas

Alpacas are animals we humans can’t help but find adorable. Unfortunately, coming across an alpaca is not very common. Luckily for us, Saleem Alpacas is a farm that allows visitors to pet cute alpacas.

The farm has been in operation since 2000 and was intentionally intended to be a hobby farm for family and friends. Over time, the plan changed, and the farm has now become home to over 40 huacaya alpacas. This change has led Saleem Alpacas to become a multi-faceted operation.

The farm also has participated in multiple events such as Farm Fresh & Farm Fest, the Historical Society Garden Tour, the Lindsay Lilac Festival, and the Humane Society fundraiser. They also offer visitors the chance to purchase alpaca clothing that is both imported and locally made at their retail store.

Photo: https://www.salemalpacas.com/the-alpacas/

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Top 6 Places to Visit in

Cannington | Ontario

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Cannington | Ontario Classified


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