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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

Top 8 Places to Visit in

Caraquet | New Brunswick

The page created by Patrick | University of Alberta | Photo by Dr Wilson, CC BY-SA 3.0

Caraquet | New Brunswick Classified

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Acadian Historical Village

It is cool to see the progression of homes and lifestyle of the Acadians from the mid-1800s up to the mid-20th century. The village is huge; it’s a full day visit, with many homes and buildings to see in a village format. The people who portray the villagers as it was during that period do an amazing job of being in character, from cooking the food as they did back then to farming and working at a business.

The print shop, blacksmith, and barrel maker were also highlights. They also have a restaurant on site that offers a menu catered to that period. It smells delicious!

Photos: https://www.facebook.com/villagehistoriqueacadien/

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Musée Acadien de Caraquet

This museum shows what the Acadians did for work and sustenance after the expulsion and how they moved on and around the Maritimes when they were finally allowed back.

Photos: https://www.facebook.com/museeacadiencaraquet

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Pointe à Brideau Range Rear Lighthouse

Beautiful place for a picnic with stairs to access the beach. The views are beautiful, with a walking trail close by.

Photo: Google Street View

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Caraquet Range Front Lighthouse

The lighthouse was built in 1903—an excellent spot for selfies.

Photo: Dennis Jarvis from Halifax, Canada – NB-00992 – Caraquet Front Range Lighthouse, CC BY-SA 2.0

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Centre culturel de Caraquet – Carrefour de la mer

One of the beautiful ultramodern tourist attractions of Caraquet. This recreational and tourist complex has a large performance hall and a reception area for holding various events such as festivals, conferences, exhibitions, banquets, etc.

There is also a tourist information kiosk, two restaurants (Le Crapet and Marie Belle), a café (La Fringale), bars and brasseries (La Brôkerie & La Chope as well as Le Brasseux BrouePub), a souvenir shop, an Italian-style ice cream parlour, a nautical stop that can accommodate several boats, an art space (the Quai des artistes), a beautiful promenade surrounding the site and lined with sculptures, covered tables and benches and a lovely play area for children (Richelieu Park).

Photo: https://www.facebook.com/CentrecultureldeCaraquetCarrefourdelamer/

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Eco-Musée de l’Huître

Designated a local historic site because of its commercial and residential vocation, the Dugas house was built in 1923 according to plans by architect Nazaire Dugas (1864-1942), a native of Caraquet.

The Dugas family has been recognized as Caraquet oyster specialists for a long time; the local oyster is called the “Dugas Caraquette.” Normally, visitors are invited to an Acadian-style oyster tasting experience: how to open, taste, and prepare them. It is also possible to buy them. As the eco-museum has a souvenir shop, you can also do some shopping there.

Photo: https://www.peninsuleacadienne.ca/magasins/eco-musee-de-lhuitre-oyster-museum/

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Distillerie Fils du Roy

Take a tour! What a great place to stop as you explore New Brunswick. Do the free tour of the beer/gin/whiskey distillery and tasting afterward. The staff is superb, very knowledgeable, and informative—an outstanding experience.

Photo: https://www.facebook.com/DistillerieFilsDuRoyInc

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Theatre Populaire d’Acadie

Founded in 1974 in Caraquet, the Théâtre Populaire d’Acadie is the oldest professional French-language theatre company in Acadie. The TPA produces original creations, contemporary theatre, and texts from the classical repertoire, both for the general public and young people, a variety of shows inspired by several artistic currents while giving pride of place to Acadian dramaturgy. With more than 125 productions or co-productions to its credit, including more than twenty for young audiences, the company tours throughout New Brunswick with each of its shows and, more and more often, elsewhere in Canada and Europe.

Photo: https://www.facebook.com/tpacadie/

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Top 8 Places to Visit in

Caraquet | New Brunswick

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Caraquet | New Brunswick Classified


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