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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

Colony of Avalon Foundation


It was in 1612 that the Colony of Avalon was first established by Sir George Calvert, and today, it is known for being North America’s best-preserved early English colonial site.

Colony of Avalon Foundation

Map of Ferryland in 1693; By Fitzburgh – From D.W. Prowse, A History of Newfoundland from the English, Colonial, and Foreign Records, 2nd edition (London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1896)

There is so much to explore and discover, but no need to feel overwhelmed.

Make the Visitor Centre your first stop—the exhibit is a great introductory start to your adventure. The Archaeology Lab is next, where the knowledgeable staff go through thousands of newly unearthed artifacts each week. A friendly guide will then take you to meet the archaeologists themselves! Finally, take in the fresh air as you walk around the Heritage Gardens.

Colony of Avalon Foundation

If you can register in advance—mandatory, as space is limited—for either the half or full-day dig programs, you’ll get to dig with the crew!

Photo: http://colonyofavalon.ca/tour/; Google Maps, Bryan Vanderkruk

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