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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

Didsbury & District Museum


Initially, the building was constructed in 1907 as a school and was designated a Provincial Historic Site in 1997. Locals fondly refer to the building as the “Old Red Brick School.”  

The building was also home to the first free library in Alberta. In 1918, the school was used as a hospital during the Spanish Flu epidemic and a yard for the military troops. 

The Didsbury Museum is the largest in Mountain View County. Signature Exhibits are Agriculture (Tools and Implements), Coming of the Railroad, Didsbury Pioneer newspaper printing press, Didsbury Rural Fire Protection truck, Hair Salon and Barbershop (complete with an old-fashioned Barber’s Pole), History of Churches & Worship in the community, a Homestead Room, Local Indigenous Peoples display, Medical Clinic and Epidemic Artifacts, Military Room & Service Organizations, Miniature Antique & Vintage Cars Room, Outdoor Garden Train, posters from movies and television productions, sports memorabilia and so much more. This is a great place to learn more about Didsbury and the surrounding area. 

Photo: facebook.com/DidsburyMuseum 

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