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Top 8 Places to Visit in

Fergus | Ontario

The page created by Ekaterina Makarova | Humber College | Photo by Andre Carrotflower, Wikimedia Commons

Fergus | Ontario Classified

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Kissing Stane

Kissing stane is a beautiful memorial of the only place where people were allowed to show affection during Victorian times.

Legend has it that to be kissed while seated on this stane would inevitably bring good luck.

Next to the stane is now a locally forged iron sculpture where you can lock in your love with your own padlock.

Photo: facebook.com/DowntownFergus

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2.75 (4 votes)

Fergus Scottish Festival & Highland Games


The Fergus Scottish Festival and Highland Games is a three-day cultural festival held in Fergus every year for more than 70 years – from 1946.

The festival features competitions that lead up to the World Scottish Athletic Championships. It is North America’s oldest festival of its kind.

The games have had two locations, Victoria Park and more recently, the Centre Wellington Community Sportsplex.

Photo: Angus Chan, Wikimedia Commons

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3 (2 votes)

Milligan Footbridge

The Milligan Footbridge, located behind the Fergus Library, provides an accessible walkway with a great view of the water, linking the Riverwalk area behind the revamped Fergus Library to the historic Fergus Marketplace, which has shops and restaurants to explore.

Do not forget to make a stop at night to see the waterfalls light up with coloured beams of blues and reds.

Photo: Google Street View

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5 (1 vote)

Templin Gardens

Take a walk through Templin Gardens, tucked away behind the shops of Fergus’ West end, where the Milligan Footbridge spans the Grand River to the Fergus Marketplace.

Take the stairway down to the water’s edge, which is made of limestone and explore the mysterious gardens of Fergus.

Photo: downtownfergus.com

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5 (1 vote)

Fergus Marketplace

The old Fergus Market on the banks of the beautiful Grand River is a large historic building once filled with market shops and vendors. But long before that, this site was home to the Beatty Brothers’ stone foundry.

It was built in 1878, overlooking the waterfalls in downtown Fergus. Today, this historic structure retains its character and has added to its allure by being a renowned shopping destination.

But what many people remember to be “the Fergus Market building” is no longer a marketplace. After major renovations and a change in concept, this building is now called Fergus Marketplace On The River with full-time retail shops in a nice shopping strip.

Photo: Onasill ~ Bill, Flickr

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3 (3 votes)

St. Andrew’s Mill

The Fergus and Monkland Mill was established in 1856. An oatmeal mill and dam were built on the Grand River in Fergus.

In 2002/2003 it was converted into condominiums under the name St. Andrew Mill.

Photo: http://www.fergus-ontario.com/

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5 (1 vote)

Home Town of Surgeon Abraham Groves

Dr. Abraham Groves was well known as a medical innovator and surgeon. He was known for his pioneered work in the uses of sterilization and antiseptics.

Groves was born at Peterborough, The Groves family moved to a farm in Garafraxa Township in the 1850s. Groves attended the Grammar School in Fergus, Ontario.

In 1871, after graduating from the Toronto School of Medicine, Groves practised in Fergus for 60 years.

In 1902, he established the Fergus Royal Alexandra Hospital, later renamed the Groves Memorial Hospital.

In the early 1880s, he served on the Fergus Village Council. He built the first electric light plant in the area.


Read more about Abraham Groves | People of Small Towns


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5 (1 vote)

St Andrew Street

St Andrew Street runs parallel to the Grand River. The street is the heart of downtown, with stores and restaurants.

The Fergus Grand Theatre is located here. Originally a cinema that opened in 1928.

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4 (2 votes)

Top 8 Places to Visit in

Fergus | Ontario

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Fergus | Ontario Classified


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