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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

Forest-Lambton Museum


There’s no better place to learn about our community’s history than Forest Museum. The museum is located in the old Forest Home Bakery building.

It has artifacts from various areas, such as the railroad, military, the flax, the People’s telephone, fossils, and basket and fruit industries.

Admission into the museum is free, but donations are appreciated. Their current displays include the “Forest Home Bakery,” “First Nations,” “The Railway,” “Down on the Farm,” “Howard Fraleigh,” “Tools of the Trade,” “Local Businesses and Industries,” “Forest Excelsior Band,” “Music,” “Lochead’s Hardware,” “Local Churches,” “The School Room,” “Military History,” “Telephones,” “A Trip to the Doctor’s,” “Home Life,” “Barber Shop,” “Local Artists,” “Sewing Exhibit,” “Toys,” “Clocks,” “Men’s Fashion,” “Women’s Fashion” and “Odd n’ Ends.”

If any of these sounds like they would be of interest to you, be sure to stop by and have a look through the museum.

Photo: https://www.facebook.com/ForestLambtonMuseum

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