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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

Home Town of Stompin’ Tom Connors


One of the iconic figures in Canadian music, Charles Thomas “Stompin’ Tom” Connors, was a country and folk singer-songwriter.

Tom Connors had as hard a childhood as one could have, experiencing poverty, homelessness, and the rigours of the child welfare system.

Connors wrote his first song, “Reversing Falls Darling,” at age 11. At 15, he began playing the guitar. He left his adopted home at age 15 and hitchhiked his way across Canada.

Connors began singing professionally in 1964 at the Maple Leaf Hotel in Timmins, Ontario.

He was first referred to as “Stompin’ Tom” when he was introduced before a performance at the King George Tavern in Peterborough, Ontario, on July 1, 1967, Canada’s 100th birthday.


Read more about  Stompin’ Tom Connors | People of Small Towns

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