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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

Honest Food Farm


Honest Food Farm is a family-owned and operated farm in the mountainous Similkameen Valley in the southern interior of British Columbia. You can find a variety of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and chicken being raised for eggs.

This farm is committed to growing food responsibly and using sustainable methods to protect the environment and animals. Healthy food starts with healthy soil, where only organic methods are used to build the soil and control pests. The vegetables are picked at the peak of ripeness and flavour, and they never use pesticides or herbicides.

The farm eggs are from pastured chickens, free to roam and forage. This farm is also known for its growing beautiful flower bouquets. Visit Honest Good Farm and get the best of what they offer!

Photo: https://www.honestfoodfarm.com/

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