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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

How We Developed Small Towns Project

gentlemen meeting by defago

Image: Defago


Everyone working with words knows that the FIRST WORDS are the biggest challenge in creating a text.

If you succeed in choosing the right first words – simple and cool, unexpected and attractive, exciting and intriguing, you are 90% done.

We hope we did it. Our first words:


All Small Towns of Canada in One Place



The brand’s idea was born unexpectedly. You know, all good things come this way.

A  few months ago we, a group of friends, began discussing a new project about Small Towns of Canada. We wanted to create something:

  • for those who surf the web in the evening looking for amazing places to travel next weekend

+ for those who live in those towns telling them about some amazing things they might not know about the place they live in;

+ digital – because we like Digital Media and are interested in digital trends;

+ intriguing – obviously;

+ memorable – obviously again;

+ helpful for all who discover our project by googling, by word of mouth, or from newspaper review J

A digital project about Small Towns is the best place to reach these goals.



We were looking for the right words for our future brand. You know, the right brand is 90% of success of the remaining 10%.

We began selecting the words:

Small, little, tiny, petite, weeny, diminutive, lilipuite, baby, pint-size, small-scale…

Beautiful, nice, amazing, great, glorious, magnificent, gorgeous, superb, elegant…

But when we paired these wonderful words, the result was terrible.

Elegant lilipuite…

Weeny superb…

Glorious small-scale…

The words were incompatible for creating a really powerful brand.



One of us suggested to count…

…To count how many towns there are in Canada. We found every town in every Canadian Provincy and every Territory.

We had about 800-1200 towns.

Approximately 1000!

Great number, right?

First of all, we checked the domain name. 1000towns.ca was available.

It is simple, nice and easy to remember:


Do you remember?

The Small Towns Brand was born:

1000 Towns of Canada



We scored 99%! We could relax and enjoy our project J



From this place we want to be serious. Now we want to discuss the REAL IMPORTANT THING:

Why 1000 Towns of Canada project could be helpful for you?

1000 Towns of Canada project is created to join local communities, fans and professionals across the country to help them to communicate and represent local history, achievements and attractions which make Small Towns great places to live, travel and enjoy.

Our project is digital.


We are going to create and launch modern digital platform joining most valuable and cool, textual and visual information about EVERY Canadian Small Town.

Who knows about it more than others?

Of course, you! That is why we hope you’ll help us.

We will help you technically:

  • Modern website – for content
  • Social Media platforms – for communications.

You will help us creatively – by finding-writing-sending local content.

We understand that the way we chose is long, sophisticated – but extremely enthralling and helpful for local communities and the whole Canadian society.

1000 Towns of Canada Project was born to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Canada.


We are sure, 2017 will be happy and successful year as for Canada as for 1000 Towns of Canada project.


Let’s start!

See you in a week

1000 Towns of Canada team


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