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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

Kingsclear Fish Hatchery




Kingsclear Fish Hatchery is one of the largest Atlantic Salmon conservation hatcheries in the world. Tour the unique salmon rearing facility where about 400,000 juvenile and 5000 adult salmon are raised. Learn how migratory fish resources, particularly Atlantic Salmon, are protected at Mactaquac and about the conservation efforts for this endangered species.

Guided tours are available Monday to Friday, June 15 to August 30 by appointment only.

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5 (1 vote)

3 Responses

  1. Good morning,
    I would like to schedule a visit this week (May 21-24, 2024) for myself and a colleague who work at Fisheries and Oceans in Ottawa. We are in the area for the week.
    Please let us know when is the best time to stop in for a tour this week.

  2. Can my husband and I bring two of our grand children to see the hatchery tomorrow June 28, 2021?

    1. Hello Brenda,
      You need to contact Hatchery with your question. We provided their phone – (506) 363-3021
      Or connect them on Facebook

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