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Knoepfli Falls

Knoepfli Falls near ahmic lake


This artificial waterfall was constructed along with the locks and dam in Magnetawan. The dam was made to raise the water’s height in nearby Ahmic Lake, enabling steamboats to enter and deposit passengers and cargo in the harbour.

Because of their man-made nature, these falls are conveniently visible from Highway 124. The total height of the falls is around 7 to 8 meters, but afterwards, it is spread across 100 meters of bubbling and boiling water.

There are trails in the open woods alongside the bedrock channels from which you can view the water.

Knoepfli Falls is off the beaten path. To get there, turn west on Hwy 124 at Sundridge, going 25 km to Hwy 510 going south to Magnetawan. Continue west on Hwy 124 for 7 km until you get to a bridge crossing the river, the falls should be on your left.

Photo: waterfallsontario.com

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