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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

Maison LePailleur


This historical museum is located near the Chateauguay River and was built in 1792. It is a monument of heritage that tells the tale of the French-Canadian bourgeoisie and many historical figures that held importance in Châteaguay. It offers a variety of expositions and activities year-long, with occasional cultural programs.

Since 1998, Maison LePailleur has become the main head office for the Musée du Grand Châteauguay (SMGC). They have provided many historical narratives to teach locals and tourists about important figures of the region. One such example would be their narrative on the life of Anna Laberge, a prominent woman who cared for many sick people in her time and whose name was given to the hospital in Châteauguay.

Maison LePailleur (1935)

Photos: maisonlepailleur.ca; ville.chateauguay.qc.ca

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