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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

Microbrasserie St-Pancrace


This brewery was inspired by the events in 1932, where bootlegged alcohol was thrown overseas in St-Pancrace Bay. The first beer created by the brewery saw the light of day in 2012 before the brewery officially opened its doors in 2013. They started distributing their beers in the Côte-Nord region of Quebec in 2014 and opened the local beer factory in 2017 to increase production. 

The owners pride themselves on providing the best quality ingredients to create their beers. Each of their beers is based on the local region’s heritage and legends. Their menu offers food and drinks made of local products, supporting local businesses. They are known for their friendly staff and welcoming atmosphere, hosting several cultural events throughout the year. Drop by to try out some of their locally brewed beers while savouring some delicious food!

Photo: Google Street View

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