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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

Top 7 Places to Visit in

Nicolet | Quebec

The page created by Wasiq Nadeem | University of Saskatchewan | Rue Notre-Dame, Nicolet, Québec, vers 1910. Photo was public domain prior to the URAA date, Public Domain

Nicolet | Quebec Classified

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Réserve Naturelle Du Boisé-du-Séminaire

First private nature reserve in an urban setting in Quebec. A lovely place to relax and make your mind fresh.

There are several unique tree species, including American beech, yellow birch (Quebec’s emblematic tree), sugar maple, red maple, white pine and eastern hemlock. The pond located closest to the cathedral is called Lake 24-Mai. Everyone can take advantage of the rest areas, such as shelters, picnic tables, and trails, without cost.

Photos: Google Maps, Marie-Noelle Marineau

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Zoo Académie

If you love animals and want to spend time with them and learn to interact with them closely, then this is the place you should not miss. It is a school where animal enthusiasts perfect their skills while living in a unique environment with their trained animals.

Also, it is an exceptional resort where nature and wildlife meet, and you can observe the lifestyle of animals closely without any fear.

Photo: https://www.facebook.com/ZooAcademie

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Atelier et maison Rodolphe-Duguay

If you love history and art, this is the place you should add to your list. A great place to learn about the world of Rodolphe Duguay, painter and engraver, as well as his spouse, writer Jeanne L’Archevêque.

Also, don’t miss out on the presentation of thematic exhibitions of works by the painter, Quebec artists and various activities as well as this place, including the hermitage workshop and natural environment of the property.

Photo: Fralambert, CC BY 3.0

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Museum of World Culture

Musée des cultures du monde invites you to share the foundations of the great religious traditions and develop greater tolerance towards them. This museum talks about the culture of various communities in Quebec and gives you knowledge about their traditions and beliefs.

Photos: https://www.facebook.com/museedesculturesdumonde

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Parc Écomaritime de l’Anse-du-Port

This natural park provides a view of Lake Saint-Pierre. A great place to view the sunset, which you should not miss. You can go hiking on trails and have a snack while the birds sing in the four shelters on the walkway.

Also, don’t miss out on viewing the fauna and flora.

Photos: Google Maps, Andreea T; Google Street View, Derek Linke

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Boutique Manu Factum

If you are looking for unique gifts, you must visit this boutique. You can discover works by the region’s artists. Visiting this place is like visiting 30 art studios at once.

You can buy various original products, from fashion items to jewelry, including beekeeping, decorative arts, cutlery, soap, and much more. You will love this place.

Photo: https://live.staticflickr.com/2857/10296781195_13b9a4642b_b.jpg

This refuge protects a migratory halt for duck and Canada geese and a nesting area for waterfowl. It is one of the 28 migratory bird sanctuaries in Quebec. You can see black ducks and black scoter here. In the fall season, you can see several pintails, small scaup and golden eye withered.

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Cathédrale Saint-Jean Baptiste

Recommended by Mark

Cathédrale Saint-Jean Baptise is a Roman Catholic church. It was built with concrete from 1961-1962. There is a massive stained-glass window within the church, and the church’s exterior is unique.

The church’s roof consistently goes up and down like a wave. Furthermore, there appears to be a bell tower detached from the main building, which is also unique for a bell tower.

Photos: Fralambert, CC BY-SA 3.0; https://www.diocesenicolet.qc.ca/diocese-de-nicolet/cathedrale-de-nicolet/

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Top 7 Places to Visit in

Nicolet | Quebec

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