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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

Top 6 Places to Visit in

Pierreville | Quebec

The page created by Shaikh Ahmed | University of Saskatchewan | Photo by Google Street View

Pierreville | Quebec Classified

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Ferme G. Desmarais

This is a great market close to the Riviere Saint-Francois to buy fresh fruits and vegetables, especially strawberries & blueberries produced by the local farmers. These fresh fruits and vegetables are worthful to try.

Photo: https://www.fermedesmarais.ca/en/home

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Abenaki Adventure

Located in the Abenaki community of Odanak, the Abenaki Aventure campground opened its doors in 2021.

This is a camping ground with 64 divided accommodation rentals and eight sections set up in a circle, making it a great place to spend vacations or stay for a night.

Photo: https://abenakiaventure.com/

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Camping Île du fort

The St-François River and the Chenal Tardif, which leads to Lake Saint-Pierre, are on each side of the campsite. This campsite has lovely, expansive, oak-tree-dotted properties. The campground can accommodate tents, trailers of all kinds, and recreational vehicles in addition to its cottages.

Adults are the majority in this campground. It lacks child-friendly infrastructure.

Photo: https://www.facebook.com/campingiledufortLouisetAnnie

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Location marine Pierreville

Location Marine Pierreville is close to the St-François River. Rental boats are available for a very reasonable price.

This is a beautiful place for recreation to enjoy your free time with nature.

Photos: https://www.facebook.com/locationpontonpierreville

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Chalet du père Lambert

This is perfect for a family or people who want to spend time together in peace with nature.

The place also has a boat launching facility.

Photo: https://chalet-du-pere-lambert.business.site/

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Abenaki Museum

The first Aboriginal museum institution in Quebec, the Musée des Abénakis, was established in 1965 by locals and the missionary Rémi Dolan. It is housed in the old Catholic school of Odanak beside the Saint-François River.

The Museum provides facilities to participate in cultural and educational exploration activities as well as permanent and changing displays with Aboriginal themes.

Photos: https://www.facebook.com/MuseeAbenakis

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Top 6 Places to Visit in

Pierreville | Quebec

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Pierreville | Quebec Classified


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