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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

Top 7 Places to Visit in

Saint-Antoine | New Brunswick

The page created by Whitney Benjamin | Oulton College | Photo by Google Street View

Saint-Antoine | New Brunswick Classified

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A pumptrack circuit is a course of several consecutive bumps and banked turns designed to be achieved by “pumping” the bike to build up the speed needed to circle the track instead of pedalling or pushing. This kind of circuit is designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of skill level.

This track is one of a kind in its area, and it’s intended to get young people up and moving. It plans to offer many activities, including an annual bicycle rodeo, competitions, and bike clinics with selected experts! This is a great, free way to exercise and enjoy the outdoors.

Photo: Google Maps, Ryan; https://saint-antoine.ca/en/citizens/community-facilities/fernand-leger-outdoor-rink-and-snow-hill-2

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Saint-Antoine Fall Colours Festival


The Saint-Antoine Fall Colours Festival is an annual festive event with various recreational activities for all age groups.

Show ‘n’ Shine antique car show and parade, volunteer firefighters competition, community breakfast, workshops, farmers market, family run, social dances, family activities, sports tournaments, bingo, and much more can be found at this annual event.

Photos: https://www.facebook.com/festivalcouleursdautomne

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Fernand-Leger Outdoor Rink and Snow Hill

It can be hard to get some fresh air during the cold winter, but the Fernand-Leger Outdoor Rink and Snow Hill make it easy. Open seven days a week, the outdoor rink also features a heated cabin with a changing room and canteen. In addition to the ice rink, there is also a giant snow hill, one of the highest in the region, designed so that people of all ages can enjoy sledding with their families.

During the summer, this concrete surface is used for activities such as ball hockey and group workouts – there’s always something to do at this location.

Photo: https://saint-antoine.ca/en/visitors/outdoor-rink

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Gilbert-Leger Park

This park features the Louis-J.-Robichaud Commemorative Monument in memory of the great Acadian native of Saint-Antoine. He was Canada’s first elected Acadian provincial premier.

In the summer, it’s a gathering place where various official village ceremonies are held. There is also a walking path around the park, a stage for live music, picnic tables, and a large parking lot. This historic park is perfect for enjoying warm weather, learning more about the community, and spending time with family.

Photo: JA7957 at English Wikipedia – Transferred from en. wikipedia to Commons by Dr. Wilson using CommonsHelper., Public Domain; https://saint-antoine.ca/en/citizens/community-facilities/gilbert-leger-park

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St. Antoine Dairy Bar

Excellent dairy bar.  Big portions, reasonable prices and friendly staff. Great selection of soft serve and hard ice cream. A must-go if you are in the area and like ice cream.

Photo: Google Maps, Evan Graham


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NB Washer Toss Cup


Washer Toss is a fun, social yard game that two or four players can enjoy.  Get more washers into your target box than your opponent to win this game!

New Brunswick is the capital of Washer Toss, and this is the biggest tournament in New Brunswick!

Photos: https://www.facebook.com/nbwashercup/

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Water Games Day


On a beautiful hot summer day, children age 5 to 12 are invited to the Community Park for various games.

Photo: https://www.publicdomainpictures.net/

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Top 7 Places to Visit in

Saint-Antoine | New Brunswick

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Saint-Antoine | New Brunswick Classified


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