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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

Top 7 Places to Visit in

Saint-Pascal | Quebec

The page created by Priyanka Choudhari | University of Toronto | Photo by Nicogag, CC BY-SA 3.0

Saint-Pascal | Quebec Classified

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Montagne a Coton

The Cotton Mountain is named after the legend of Father Coton. You can take a 1km walk lasting around 30 minutes to its peak. Offers five rest points and lookouts, which allow for seeing the city of Saint-Pascal, especially beautiful during sunset.

Photo: Google Maps, XtineSharp, Cindy

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EXPO Saint-Pascal

The Kamouraska County Agricultural Exhibition has been running for almost 100 years. The primary mission of the Agricultural Exhibition has been to promote agriculture.

Take the time to stop to have fun, reconnect with your roots, and share with local breeders and producers! They also have horseback riding, poker, and bingo games!

Photos: https://www.facebook.com/ExpoSaintPascal/

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Sentier Sept-Chutes

A walk along this trail at Sept-Chutes Park offers a 5km journey with gorgeous views of the Kamarouska River and falls along with rare red pine trees, birds, and small mammals.

Photo: Google Maps, Simon Tremblay

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Bar Le Kaboulo

A high-rated bar praised for its atmosphere, food, and drinks. It also features a pool table and slot machine.

Photo: Google Street View, Joel Escallier – MJ Média Concept

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Motel de la Montagne

This motel boasts spacious, clean, and comfortable rooms at an affordable price. It is located at the entrance to Saint-Pascal off Highway 20 and has 20 air-conditioned rooms.

Photo: Google Maps

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Restaurant de la Montagne

Highly rated and popular restaurant offering food that is praised all around. They have bilingual servers and menus. Their food consists of pizza, tender meats, onion rings, burgers, tourtière, stir fry, and more!

Photo: Google Maps

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Érablière Nathalie Lemieux

Dining at the Maple Grove Nathalie Lemieux promises a wonderful and full experience of the maple wood pallet. You can book a reservation online through their website. Various food options include tourtière, beans, nuggets, and muffins.

They also offer games to keep children entertained and praised for their taffy and maple products!

Photos: https://erablierenathalielemieux.com/; Google Maps

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Top 7 Places to Visit in

Saint-Pascal | Quebec

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Saint-Pascal | Quebec Classified


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