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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

Site ornithologique du marais de Gros-Cacouna


This is a natural area in Cacouna, existing mainly for bird-watching. There are various habitats and bird species in this area that may be seen if you visit. Some of these species include snow geese, ducks, herons, and other diverse flora and fauna. In addition to birds, other animals, such as foxes and deer, are seen roaming in this park.


The park is frequented most from June to September and is free to enter. There are lookout points that provide a spectacular view, and you may even spot beluga whales in the St. Lawrence river. There are stairs in the mountain trail that make for easy access for those not used to hiking in certain terrains, such as children. There are two main observation towers in the park.

Photos: Google Maps, Hubert NAASZ, Jocelyne Auger

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