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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

Thornton Bales Conservation Area


Thornton Bales Conservation Area, a part of the Oak Ridges Moraine, is an excellent spot for hiking and taking in the view. With an elevation drop of 54 meters from its southwest corner to its northeast, the park features Red Oak Trail, a challenging hike through the area’s woodland. Nicknamed “The 99 Steps”, the Red Oak Trail below is connected to a panoramic lookout via 99 wooden steps that take you on a steeper change in elevation than a drop off Niagara Falls!

The park also features a new bicycle station off 19th sideroad, perfect for anyone who wishes to park their bike before embarking on the trail. The area is also connected to nearby Jokers Hill, a research area for the University of Toronto.


Photo: https://www.lsrca.on.ca/thornton-bales

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