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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

Tralee Golf


Tralee Golf is a family-run executive golf course aimed at introducing and encouraging golf to beginners. They create a relaxed setting perfect for those unfamiliar with the game or who may not be as confident about their skills.

The golf is a 9-hole course that spans 2,000 yards. The cool part? They don’t enforce any dress code or take tee times. So you can come and simply enjoy yourself without worrying about anything but how much fun you are about to have! They also offer guests a 250-yard mat-based driving range, practice chipping, and putting green.

They only have a few rules you are asked to follow, including not stealing the range balls, keeping off the gravelled yard, and not trespassing onto surrounding properties.

Photo: https://www.traleegolf.ca/


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