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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

Top 7 Places to Visit in

Weedon | Quebec

The page created by Kulvir J | Mount Royal University | Photo by Bib47, CC-BY-SA-2.0 CA; CC-BY-SA CA.

Weedon | Quebec Classified

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Parc du vieux moulin

In the center of the village, the Parc du Vieux-Moulin (Old Mill Park) is a recognized ornithological observation site. During their migration, you can relax while admiring the season, bustards and snow geese. Bring your picnic and let yourself feel the calm by the beautiful sound of a waterfall.


This park can also be used as a starting point for a canoe trip that resembles an Amazonian expedition due to the presence of large willows bordering the river, which is very pleasant.

Photos: Google Maps, Serge Lefebvre

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Fromagerie P’tit plaisir

Fromagerie P’tit Plaisir de St-Gérard de Weedon is a family-owned cheese factory that has maintained a warm and friendly atmosphere in the region over the years. All the products come from their land to your table. Products like cheese, butter, ice cream and gelato are made from milk from our dairy herd, with no modified dairy ingredients. There are more than ten varieties of cheeses with different seasonings and stages of maturation and ripening.

The cheese dairy has a restaurant area to serve you several different dishes, so visit to taste the difference!

Photo: https://www.facebook.com/fromagerieptitplaisir

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Pavillon de la Faune

Your tour gives you access to spectacular scenes of stuffed animals from North America. You will find these magnificent species in settings of astonishing realism as their natural habitat is recreated! There might be multimedia/video/movie shows as well. Also, the Faim de Loup sandwich/creamery will satisfy your appetite. So come and have a good time!

Check before to know when they’re open.

Photo: https://www.facebook.com/pavillondelafaune/

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Parc du Lac-Aylmer

Parc du Lac-Aylmer offers outdoor activities on a glorious natural site. Observe the biodiversity of Marais Maskinongé as you follow a trail. Hike on the sidewalks and footbridge through the winding ponds and the marsh that distinguish this environment. A 24-foot tower gives a panoramic view of the Marais that you can enjoy.

Lounge on the sandy beach, explore, observe the birds, or have a picnic on-site with your close ones.

Photo: https://www.facebook.com/Parcdulacaylmer/photos/a.331851167478485/1072852876711640

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Restaurant Da Rita

The Da Rita restaurant is noted for its six-course menu that offers a variety of flavours while showcasing local products. This restaurant offers a friendly and cozy atmosphere, unbeatable prices, and satisfaction for your senses.

Chef Rita cooks outstanding starters and main courses that reflect her creativity and passion. Dine at the restaurant to live this experience!

 Photos: https://restaurant-da-rita.business.site/



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Centre Culturel de Weedon

The Weedon Cultural Center welcomes you in a warm ambiance for various shows with programs ranging from dance, song, comedy and theatre to storytelling. The Weedon Cultural Center caters to all audiences by offering cinema for the whole family, dance activities, and shows for children. The programs are usually listed online, so check out what interests you, buy tickets, and experience the cultures.

Photo: https://www.facebook.com/centrecultureldeweedon


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La Ferme Renaissance

Are you a nature and animal lover? Visit the Renaissance Farm to discover all the farm animals (boars, red deer, Tamworth pigs, wild turkeys, rabbits, laying hens and ponies) in their breeding grounds. The Renaissance Farm of Weedon welcomes visitors of all ages, all year round, who want an interactive and dynamic visit. Contact them to schedule your visit.

You can also visit to taste farm products upon reservation, such as maple syrup coffee, smoked ground pepper, spring mix, and many others and purchase the products.

 Photos: https://www.lafermerenaissance.com/photos.php

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Top 7 Places to Visit in

Weedon | Quebec

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Weedon | Quebec Classified


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