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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

West Perth Wetlands


The West Perth Wetlands stretch across 65 acres. The location is frequented by migratory bird species.


The wetlands have rehabilitated ponds, walking trails, and trees. The key features of this wetland are the mowed grass trails which allow for ease of walking, rare species of migratory birds, a picnic area, and much more.

Visitors may come across any of the 200 rare species of birds on the wetlands. The wetland’s trees, shrubs, animals, and marsh serve as a natural filtration system, decreasing the chances of flooding and improving water quality.

Visit today to enjoy a change in the scenery by surrounding yourself with numerous species of birds!

Photos: https://www.westperth.com/en/be-active/wetlands.aspx

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