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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

Top 7 Places to Visit in

Weymouth | Nova Scotia

The page created by Tony Zheng | Queen’s University | Photo by Verne Equinox, CC BY 3.0

Weymouth | Nova Scotia Classified

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Sissiboo Landing

Sissiboo Landing is a cultural interpretation center and museum located in central Weymouth. The center focuses on displaying and educating visitors on the five primary cultures that make up the town of Weymouth. The cultures are the Mi’kmaq First Nations, United Empire Loyalists, Black Loyalists, Acadians and the New France settlers. The centers have multiple displays and interactive exhibits revolving around the five cultures.

Photo: https://www.facebook.com/SissibooLanding/

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New France Historical Park

New France Historical Park displays the remains of the historical settlement of New France. The park has many old artifacts and remains of buildings during the period New France was a very successful settlement. Along and on top of the historic buildings, visitors can observe unique ecosystems and a stunning green environment. The park is known for being calming and is perfect for a nice walk to take in the scenery.

Photo: Google Maps, Dan Robicjaud

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Wild Rose Farm

Wild Rose Farm is a local organic farm located in Weymouth. The farm produces all sorts of fruits and vegetables, with a variety of offerings in every season. Wild Rose Farm produces specialty vegetables, culinary herbs, preserves, eggs, and garlic. Visitors can visit the farm and have the option to buy products in bulk or individually.

Photo: https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064380321124

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Sissiboo Story Book Trail

Sissiboo Story Book Trail is a walking/hiking trail that provides visitors with a historical walk through the cultures that make up Weymouth. The trail is roughly 1km long, and in that 1km, there are five cultures being represented with interactive panels designed to replicate a storybook. Other than the history, the trail also offers amazing scenery. Visitors can expect to see a waterfront, old steam locomotives, and their respective train tracks.

Photo: https://www.weymouthnovascotia.com/showmember.php?id=12

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Egilse Saint Bernard

Eglise Saint Bernard is a Catholic church with beautiful architecture and a rich history. Located around 5 minutes from Weymouth, the church is a grand display of historical architecture and a feat of the old design. The church was constructed in 1855 from more than 8000 blocks of Shelburne granite which was brought over from over 120 miles away. Each stone was hand carved and polished, and today, although weathered, the church still stands as a beautiful historical building.

Photo: https://claretownship.ca/parish-saint-bernard/

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Belliveau Cove Municipal Park

Belliveau Cove Municipal Park is located around 6 minutes from Weymouth. The park features a 5km coastal walking trail and a lighthouse. It also offers washrooms, picnic tables, free wifi, and a marina for boating and water-related activities. On certain days, the park holds special events, such as the farmers market, digging for clams, art shows, and many more.

Photo: https://www.baiesaintemarie.com/en/see-and-do/parks/belliveau-cove-municipal-park

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5 (1 vote)

Gilbert’s Cove Lighthouse

Gilbert’s Cove Lighthouse is a small, historical lighthouse which also serves as a museum for unique artifacts. The lighthouse is well-maintained and cozy, with an amazing water view. Visitors are welcome to go inside and tour the lighthouse, which displays many marine artifacts and historical pictures. There is also a tea room in the lighthouse for visitors who want a snack.

Photo: https://www.gilbertscovelighthouse.com/

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Top 7 Places to Visit in

Weymouth | Nova Scotia

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Weymouth | Nova Scotia Classified


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