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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

Windermere Historical Tour


Take the opportunity to freshen up your historical knowledge of Windermere by engaging in the guided tour put together by the town. This tour takes you across ten different historical sites within Windermere that display history still present. The tour can also be self-guided, just pick up your pamphlet of the available historical sites to see, and you’re all set!

From the White House to the most famous Stolen Church, concluded by The Big Ranch House, there’s something so special about each location that you don’t want to miss out! As a bonus, following this 10-stop tour will allow you to soak in the beauty of the lake as these buildings are found near it; Windermere’s beauty always manages to shine!

Photo: https://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMVHWH_The_Stolen_Church_Windermere_BC

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