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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

Red Coat Trail


The Red Coat Trail was named after the bright red coats of the North-West Mounted Police that manned the trail. The force of nearly 300 men, their horses and oxen were dispatched along the 1300km trail to maintain law and order when crimes like whiskey trading, bank robbery, horse theft and cattle rustling were abundant. The force was also responsible for maintaining order due to the rising tension with the First Nations and fear of invasion by the Americans. The North-West Mountain Police later became the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Today, portions of highways from Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta still follow some of the historical paths of the Red Coat trail. A portion of the trail is known as Ghost Town Trail, as it passes through many of the abandoned towns of Southern Saskatchewan, including Robsart.

Photo: https://static1.thetravelimages.com/

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