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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

Stawnichy’s Mundare Sausage


While the giant Mundare Sausage is a sight, it cannot satisfy your stomach like the items you can buy at the business the statue pays tribute to. At Stawnichy’s Mundare Sausage, you can find the best authentic Ukrainian foods, specialty meats and their renowned kolbasa sausage.

Their product list includes over 80 uniquely prepared meat and Ukrainian food products, all prepared with the finest ingredients to produce the highest quality products but available for purchase at a reasonable price.

First starting its operations in 1959, Stawnichy’s Mundare Sausage is a family-run and owned Ukrainian food company with a proud Alberta heritage. What began as a small general store on the family farm in Mundare has now expanded to become one of Alberta’s favourite comfort foods.

Photos: https://www.facebook.com/MundareSausage/

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